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Training Service Providers on Child Protection and Trafficking in Persons

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ECPAT Luxembourg and Partner Center for Legal Research and Resource Development (CeLRRd) organized one-day training on CP and TIP for Service Providers of Lalitpur and Bhaktapur districts on 26th August, 2022. There were altogether 17 participants in the event from 3 municipalities in the event and it was facilitated by Advocates, who shared the various mechanisms for child protection and mechanisms against trafficking in persons, and steps to take and mechanisms to utilize in dealing with cases related to CP/TIP. The participants shared their appreciations for the event and a  Child Welfare Officer (CWO) shared that the training would aid CWOs like themselves in establishing child-friendly structures at the local level. The Local government representatives also requested the project for support in reviewing their existing legal mechanisms for necessary amendments. The project will continue to follow up with the local government.