The project conducted a consultative workshop at Province 1 on 31st July 2022 in the province capital, Biratnagar Metropolitan City, Morang District. The workshop was conducted in collaboration with the Office of the Attorney General, Province 1, and was attended by twenty-two participants that included provincial parliamentarians, National Child Rights Council (NCRC), the Attorney General of Province 1, other attorneys, civil society organization representatives, and child rights activists. The primary objective of the workshop was to consult with the provincial government regarding the Provincial Act Relating to the Protection of Children.
The project had analyzed and studied the Provincial Act Relating to the Protection of Children prepared by the provincial government from a critical child-centric lens, and in line with the Regulations Relating to Children 2022 and identified some gaps in the provincial act of Province 1 which were crucial to fulfil to ensure that the act stood as a strong child protection mechanism for the province.
The gaps in the provincial act identified by the project were discussed with the participants and it was acknowledged as well as appreciated by the participants. Acknowledging the lacuna in the act, the parliamentarians expressed their commitment in ensuring that they would be filled through a Provincial Regulations Relating to Children which the province would prepare. The parliamentarians also expressed that the provincial regulations would be in line with the new Regulations Relating to Children issued in the federal level.